One Day in 1969 (for no particular reason)


One day, back in 1969, for no particular reason, my friend and I decided to take a ride to check out a music event at Max Yasgur’s Farm in Bethel, NY.

It was August 15, we were young, we were free, and it was a beautiful day.

The event we had been hearing about was to be a celebration of Peace, love and great music. Rumor had it, that some of the greats would be there. Janis, Jimi, and more.

Little did we know, when we left our quiet, little suburban town, that we would be attending the single most profound event in the history of music.

It was publicized as a 3 day event, we only planned to stay for the day.

We planned to ride to that farm, listen to some music, and leave.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned.

Instead of a day trip to a music festival, we became a part of the greatest 3 day musical event in history.  

Life is filled with unexpected adventures when you forget to think things through.   

Looking back, I am glad I was young and foolish enough to hop on the back of a motorcycle, at the spur of the moment, on that summer day in 1969, and head to some obscure farm in upstate NY.  My only hope was to catch a glimpse of Janis Joplin aka “Pearl”.   I never saw her, but I heard her sing, and it was glorious.

A half a million strong showed up on Max Yasgur’s  farm, that weekend in August of 1969 and I am so thankful I had the privilege of being one.